As we enter a new year, Renaissance Kids continues to offer a wide variety of classes, from test preparation to enrichment. For winter/spring, we are getting ready for our ERB program, available in both group and individual sessions for 4th & 5th graders. Our unique Pathways to Honors Algebra class for 6th graders gets students ahead in math and ready for the 7th grade placement test. We also offer preparation for the spring SAT & ACT test dates, as well as May AP exams.
We also offer assistance with summer program applications and college applications.
Tag: ERB
Temporary Online Home of Renaissance Kids Enrichment Center
As the online memes have identified, “crisis schooling” provides neither the best of traditional schooling nor of homeschooling. Whether your child is learning from 8 AM – 2 PM on Zoom or absorbing a collection of BrainPop and Khan Academy videos, your work as parents has doubled. Even parsing through the list of free educational opportunities available can be overwhelming.
However, while the details of the future may be uncertain, educational enrichment for your children is within your control. Renaissance Kids has been providing online and distance education for the last decade. For the last month, we’ve been helping families transition to distance learning, supplementing school schedules and preparing students for the future. Business is not *as usual* for any of us, but the education of our children is still paramount.
We currently offer virtual group and private classes to support or replace school curriculum. Moreover, our June group offerings for K-8th grade in mathematics and reading/writing are intended to reinforce the essential knowledge expected for each grade level. At the elementary level, the ERB is adapting by providing online testing options to member schools and our ongoing ERB courses continue to provide our proven, knowledge-based curriculum.
If your child is at one of those nerve-wracking transition points, which necessitate jumping into an admissions process, we have your back. As private schools determine how to navigate admissions for the next year, we are confident that our knowledge-based ISEE preparation course continues to provide the dual use of helping students prepare for the ISEE and excel in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Many of our group classes begin this summer or you can enroll your child in private sessions.
While our website is currently under construction, and all of our educators and staff are working from home, we are including a short list of our current and summer offerings here. Please email us at with any questions.